Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Neighborhood of Make Believe

   I went to the Valley Meadows comedy show at Camp Bar in downtown St. Paul tonight. It was a fun show as usual, much of the material covered was on the CD I had bought earlier. There were other performers besides the headliners, and I knew all of them. One did his routine like he was singing the blues. I know him as the one that usually speaks of the venue and day of the week at the start of each set. Another spoke of photo shopping herself into various pictures of famous people. Then there was the show runner from another club, who gave me a shout out and I enjoy them as usual. He made a reference to 'Mr. Rogers Neighborhood' that he had to explain to me after the show. All I know was he said something about a cat when during the shout out, so I continued the bit and meowed. Found out this was from 'The neighborhood of make believe', which I do recall a little. My greatest memory now is seeing a display about the show at the Pittsburgh Airport as the show was produced in Pittsburgh.
  Another thing I liked about this show was seeing and hearing plenty of music in the bar section, the show was in the 'cabaret' section. The music was on the TV monitors. The first was 'Scar' by Missy Higgins, an Australian that I hadn't heard of before. Next was 'What's the frequency Kenneth' by REM, a reminder of being in college. I do have the album it is on, called 'Monster'. After the show it was 'All the right moves' by One Republic. The video was memorable as it showed couples dancing in formal outfits, must have been ballroom dancing.
   In many ways what a college roommate had said before seems to hold true about comedy. I have comedian friends because I come to their shows and laugh. One of the performers after the show said they liked seeing me as some responded to the Facebook invite but didn't show up. Well I said my word means everything to me. So when I say on Facebook that I am attending a show, I usually do. I like getting show invites and it keeps track of the schedule really well for me.
   This morning on the way to work I said 'You'll make it' to a woman in the elevator as she had just sighed. I said I try to encourage people as I would have liked this when I was younger. She seemed to like it, so I liked knowing it was effective on some level.

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