Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mr. Belvedere's Hot Air Balloons

  At the comedy club tonight there were some no-shows, which explains why there were some replacements including the show-runner himself. He did some new jokes like how he could call his dog 'Mr. Belvedere' if he wanted to as it's deaf. Then there was one about his dad being a volunteer announcer at hot-air balloon events. It seems to explain the need for doing comedy, and of course is relatable to me. I liked hearing the mention of 'Mr. Belvedere' as it's the first one I've heard in a while. It was a show that Bob Uecker did in the 1980s, with a setting in Pittsburgh. One of the other replacements included the Kentucky native that I hadn't seen in a while. I've seen him at Alary's before as we like the same football team. He did a joke about having colleage girls living at the house with him and his wife.
   The lollipop girl was asking about liquor stores downtown, and I like helping out as I like being able to find things. With a quick online search I found out there is one in Lowertown, close enough. Something about wanting cooking wine if i'm not mistaken. Though the joke from one colleague was how she was already drinking it at the office.
   I watched a quick video about my new Hotmail inbox from Outlook, it was a silent one that lasted about two minutes. Seemed fairly straightforward, at first look I'm not sure how much has changed as I usually delete most emails right after reading them.
   Not much postal mail today, two of the items received were catalogs from The Loft about upcoming classes. Haven't taken a class in a while so I would need to look through it more closely to see if anything interests me and meets my needs. There is even special catalogs about retreats and conferences like for mystery writing and children's writing.

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