Thursday, April 18, 2013

Winter Weather Drill

    I had just returned from lunch this afternoon at work and then there was a winter weather drill. I had a hard time taking it seriously as I knew a tornado was unlikely when snow was falling. I said I was taking my box of popcorn with me. The news said there would also be one in the evening, and there was.
   After taking the bus home from work I stayed in due to the snow. I watched 3 episodes of 'Big Bang Theory'. I think all of them were reruns, even the two in primetime. The syndicated rerun was nice to see, as it was the one that started me watching it regularly during its first season in 2007. It was when Sheldon and Leonard broke into their neighbor Penny's apartment to clean it after being entrusted with a package delivery. I had fallen asleep in my easy chair while watching the news and this is what was on. The first episode in primetime was the one where Sheldon and friends all end up in human resources after Sheldon throws them under a bus. The second was after 'Two and a half men'. It was when Howard was in space and Sheldon doesn't want to keep a secret from Leonard. He later tells Penny 'Don't hurt my friend'.
   After this I decided to read some more from the papers. I had a City Pages from late March and early April, and the cover story was about baseball's fiscal cliff. They made a big deal about the sharp drop in TV ratings for the World Series since 1980. There was also mention in a small article about how the Twin Cities is the 6th best pizza town in America, with mention of 'Punch Pizza', which I have had a few times. In the back was 'Savage Love', an advice column about sexual issues.
   Now for the Minneapolis paper from earlier this month. There was a big front page article about the death of movie critic Roger Ebert. A small article was about pardoning the Scottsboro boys. The political cartoon was about Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachmann facing ethics charges. A letter to the editor said Eisenhower should we warning us again about the 'Military industrial complex'- about how a big American export is weapons and not electronics. In the sports section was articles about basketball coaches, the new Gopher coach Richard Pitino and Wolves coach Rick Adelman. The latter was closing in on 1,000 career wins, and would be the 8th to reach this plateau. There was also mention of Siebert Field, the new Gopher baseball venue, and I did get to one game on opening weekend. It's rare for college baseball to get media attention in many areas. Another was about Wichita State reaching the Final Four, and their 1981 team had Xavier McDaniel on it. I knew he was somebody who guest starred on a basketball episode of 'The Bundys' (or: Married with Children). In movies, there was a writeup about Brad Cooper's latest, 'A place beyond the pines'. Carolyn Hax was on vacation, so readers were giving advice. In business, the union hall near the former Ford plant will now be a bike shop. The funny columnist had a ranting about going on vacation, asking if he left the iron on. It was also about stopping services like the mail and newspapers. In many ways I 'held serve' by getting one Friday paper read. I would have liked reading more, but at least I'm not falling behind like before. It's more manageable now, as there are just two editions waiting.  

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