Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nixon List

    At work today I spoke about feeding my intellectual needs, especially in history since I majored in it. I also spoke of those who have tried to talk about history and don't have their facts straight, which is annoying. This led me to speak of the 'Nixon List'. I said anyone who tries to talk about this subject and acts like they know more about it than I do will end up on my Nixon List. Sadly I have had to put some people on it that I once considered to be friends.
    On a more positive note, I liked how a senior leader found me and gave me a nice baseball jacket. This was just before midday. We like the same team, and I said to my 'Work Spouse'- who noticed it right away- how friends make life more bearable. I like how it proves I am not afraid of someone just because they're a senior leader. They're people, same as anyone else. Just find out what makes them tick, what they do and don't like.
   I had to leave work early for an appointment, it was held early enough so I was still able to make it to the comedy club tonight. I liked hearing the 'Tony the Tiger' joke from the ex-military comic, a good joke about the brutal winters here in Minnesota. When I laughed a lot at it I got a shout-out, which I enjoy of course. I was thrilled when I saw how my 'Bestie' showed up as he wasn't on the list. He ended up doing the 'Lost dog' joke, and is still adding some things to it like saying it made him a dog detective after being a dog sitter. After the show I was surprised to see somebody riding a bicycle, when it is still winter. Not much in postal mail, but my W-2 arrived so I can start doing my taxes soon.   

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