Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Obama At Union Depot

       When I was riding the bus to work this morning I asked the driver if the route would be diverted due to the presidential visit. I was told that only those buses going to Union Depot in downtown St. Paul would be affected, and I get off before then but just blocks away. I had to check some online articles for more information, found out President Obama was scheduled to give a speech around 2pm. There was preparations happening well before then, such as the doors opening at Union Depot at 11:30 am and the police closing streets around 12noon. I did take a walk during my lunch and confirmed what was happening. The police had Kellogg, a major road, blocked off. I saw a light rail train parked in front of the depot. There have been test runs on the track, but it is not operational just yet. I did the walk after taking my state income tax return to be mailed, along with depositing a check to my savings account. It said it was an overpayment from a dental appointment, must be from last week. I did watch the news after the comedy show tonight and there was a short segment about the visit. It said the president was asking for money from Congress in order to improve the nation's infrastructure. This depot is a good example of what can be done when there is enough interest in renovating. I did speak of when I saw President Clinton appear at the University of Iowa in 1996 when he was running for re-election, he spoke at the basketball arena. I still have the free ticket from the event.
   At the comedy club tonight I did get stage time. As usual, I had plenty of material available, more than needed. I did jokes about the microwave ovens at my workplace, a colleague that I match wits with, and internet dating. My 'Bestie' was on, a few comics before me, and I liked how he did the 'Chivalry is dead' joke. It helps that he does a voice impression in it, much like his newer joke about how he's considering dating other women. I told myself I needed to call my college roommate to say I would be in town soon, I did so during the show when I went to the bathroom. I am used to how the calls don't last long, this was no different. I did so just minutes before I was onstage. The godmother did jokes about yoga at church, being a life coach, and acceptance letters from Globe University for her and her late dad. The show closer did a joke about dating somebody who would send her text messages about what day it is, and reading about a woman who slit her boyfriend's throat. She does run her own comedy show. I tend to write about those I see the most at the clubs, and those are most likely to get nicknames as I don't use their real names while writing. Hopefully I can think of one soon. The bartender did a joke about pets at the animal shelter, and some of them having nicknames like 'Sammy Davis Jr.' this of course would be in reference to Sammy having a glass eye.
   I am still getting plenty of comments about the navy coat, so I think I will still keep wearing it. Some of these was from my 'Bestie' before the show. He said we had the same coat on, but not quite, as mine had anchors on the buttons. He said it was fine as long as I don't have a red winter hat, and I don't. Something about being just like the movie 'Single White Female' if I'm not mistaken. I briefly told the story about a college roommate giving me the coat, along with how it had been recently mended. He said something about needing a coffee break.
   I have been giving out my business card to comedian friends in hopes that they read the blog, but I'm not sure as to how many do. I know the godmother does, and she tells me tonight's show closer does as well. I think she will be the 'Auto-correct' comic as she does a joke about what her name auto-corrects to. There should be no concern whatsoever as to what I write about comedian friends. I go to plenty of shows, and see plenty of comics, and hear plenty of jokes. For this reason, I believe in making it count when I write. So it is easier for me to write about the positive, as I want to remember the positive, especially since I enjoy comedy a lot. It is mostly about what jokes are done, reporting what happened, and if I speak of a joke I probably liked it.

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