Friday, August 8, 2014

Kevin Love Youtube Viral Video

    I was at the comedy club tonight and was informed about the Mason City native posting a Youtube video that went viral about Kevin Love leaving the Minnesota Timber-wolves. I am not in it, but I know all of those who are. I did perform tonight, jokes included going to my employer's outing at Como Zoo in St. Paul and the shirt I was still wearing from the event. In the evening I went to another Fringe show, my third. Then I went straight to the comedy club. Thankfully I am not 'Double-booked' too often.
    At the comedy show, I was in another room going through my material so I missed IED/IUD. Fantasia did one about having a delivery job, and a cop asking if he needed any help. Another was about chain smoking and watching 'Rockford Files'. Ragu did ones about talking to a leaf blower operator, and being addicted to a pillow. The Louisiana native did one about how Neosporin is for cuts. Another was about his shirt, looked like a mechanic's uniform. He quits a lot of jobs. Others were about a quarter stuck on stomach, and having a bunk bed but being an only child. Tortoise and hare did one about a cemetery being a hoarder. Rut-Roh did ones about Calvin and Hobbes, and the movie Apollo 13, where I got a shout-out. Mr. Pibb did one about Legos, and dreaming small. Another was about being poked by his lady's IUD. The Bathtub comic did one about an escaped zoo animal. Others were about polar bears going to Detroit, destroying a bird nest, and his wife getting clothes for the new dog. Poster artist did one about a language symposium, and T-shirts. A comic I haven't seen much lately, but I like to call 'Red' due to her hair, said she loves her life, and will start having kids at age 30. She doesn't know anything about men, and wrote a self-help book. The Perkins employee did one about the Unabomber. Others were about being on a date- and her tattoos- and a cat surgery. Food delivery did one about how there is no cure for murder. The Maryland native did one about O'Doul's, and a condo. Others were about drinking on patios in summer, hockey, and a bar having a dress code. Happy Meal did a quick set, the jokes were familiar and in some ways funnier as he claimed there was little time for laughing.      

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