Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sex-Ed Show At Rarig

    This evening I went to another Fringe show, it was Sex-Ed at the U. of Minnesota's Rarig theater. I rode the light rail over to the West Bank stop. I saw a jar of Hellmann's mayonnaise and Chicken of The Sea oysters on the train, so I threw these out at my stop. I posted a review saying the play was better than expected. It was a small venue, in the basement. I had heard from the Facebook invite how it had been achieving sell-out status so I decided to make an advance reservation to use my 4-show pass. It was intelligent, and funny, but also honest. I was familiar with one of the performers from the comedy circuit, the front-woman of the band known as The Dirty Curls. One song was about STD's, and a rap about motherhood. I caught a condom thrown into the crowd. There was also a song about condoms. I got a laugh when I got annoyed hearing 'That seat's saved' by saying I didn't like hearing it in school and still don't. I liked speaking with who I did end up sitting next to. He heard about how I do comedy, and we spoke about comedians like Bob Newhart, one of my influences.
   This afternoon I went to another liquidation sale, it was the Family Dollar in Roseville near the Little Caesar's I like going to. There wasn't much left but the sign out front said 'Last two days'. I had bought some toilet paper there a month earlier. I bought four items this time, three of them were food. I got a cup of Kellogg's Corn Pops, along with two small packs. One was Nekot cookies and the other honey toasted peanuts. All of it has already been eaten. The corn pops were eaten right after getting home, I poured some milk into the cup it was in. The other two were taken with me to the Fringe Festival, and essentially served as my evening meal. The fourth item was a calendar towel, as it is nice to have another dish towel. It is not the first one of this type that I have, as I already had one from 2001. What surprised me was getting all of it for just 48 cents! I knew that 80 percent off would lower the total quite a bit, but not this much. Of what remained, I saw bottles of sunscreen, shampoo, candy bars, canned foods like beans and franks, and CD's. There was one odd thing, a Jonas Brothers (the music group) CD board game. I got a photo of the Jonas item.    

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