Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Comedy Train

   Tonight at the comedy club, I made it in time to see the opening song and video, as well as the MC, the red-faced comic. He spoke about a 'Comedy train' every so often during the show. At the end I was invited to be a part of the train which went back onstage. I said 'Yeah!' into the microphone as I passed by it. I also stopped to look at a grocery bag near the stage, was focused on it for a while near the end of the show. There was nothing in it, somebody said a 'Prop comic' was using it. This may have been the one who started off with impressions, that I was not impressed with. I liked speaking with the Pottery Barn comic after the show, hadn't seen him in a while. Before the show the Mason City native looked at my shirt and thought of an album by Sting, I said I got the shirt at work. The MC did ones about 12/13 CDs, working at a pizza shop, karate, and being circumcised. Self checkout did ones about 'heartburn or cardiac arrest', watered-down tattoos, and scars are earned. Lunch-lady did ones about a former job as health club manager, the first lady's lunch policy, her kids fighting over a printer, and state fair food. The rapper comic did ones about being a former car salesman, which led to a Denny Hecker joke, and a story from playing high school football. Michigan native did ones about an airport experience, and dog walking. Pottery Barn did ones about a broken wrist, a cat race, and being engaged.
   Before I went into work this morning I saw more demolition in progress across the street at the bus stop. So I replaced the batteries in my camera and got a photo of the bus shelter, knowing it likely would be leveled soon as there had been two and the other was already gone. I was correct, by midday it was no more. I liked how I got caught up on my work, but I did no letters today much like on Monday. I am out of the office tomorrow so it likely means the manager will have to do them. When a colleague noticed a haircut I said 'You win a cookie', then said it was a line from the movie 'Kelly's Heroes'. This is the one I am often matching wits with, who had quizzed me about things like the names of her kids.   

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