Wednesday, August 13, 2014


     I heard one term tonight at the comedy club that I hadn't heard before, this was 'Water-headed', during the big dog's set. He also did ones about a Bruno Mars song, and Christian Mingle ads. Conga line did one about her grandma. Morton Salt did one about being punk rock. The godmother did ones about the dog park, and the mailman in latex gloves. The Tetris comic did ones about jokes with no punch line, and a taste buds pun. Netflix did one about Sesame Street. Sub teacher did ones about a Ron Paul sticker, Adam Sandler, and his lady at MNDOT. Auto-correct did ones about taking an acting class, babies stealing her friends, fallen and can't get up, and Pampered Chef parties. The
bartender did ones about being one of the girls, and 'taco-cat'. The Michigan native did ones about attending a gay wedding, and about just moving from Chicago. The laundry comic performed, but I can't read my notes. The software developer did one about a 'tequila and a compliment'. University accountant did ones about drinking water, 'what's your crave?', and Cracker Barrel. The 'Extra murder' comic did ones about seeing a cannonball into a pool on a Texas visit, food trucks, and a donut burger. Rut-roh was the MC. He did ones about a co-exist sticker, I got a shout-out for the Apollo 13 joke, and the band Smash Mouth. The big dog did speak of an opportunity, will be waiting to hear more soon.
    I did look at more articles and Facebook postings about Robin Williams. I did like one of them, from 'Rut-roh', who used a line from my favorite movie, 'Good Will Hunting'. He said if anyone disrespects Robin Williams, I will end you. It was tough to hear about how Robin's daughter quit Twitter due to hateful comments. After I heard this I logged onto Twitter and said 'Hey people, show some respect!' Sadly, not everyone is doing this. Same is true with those who are passing judgment, because it was suicide though he had been dealing with depression. I did see a link to some episodes of 'Mork and Mindy' on Youtube. One of them was when Mork met a hate group. He had to be told by Mindy that hating was wrong. The hate group seemed to be a knockoff of the Klan, based on their outfits.  

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