Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Manic Depressive Lizard Weasel

    At the comedy club tonight, the Perkins employee called himself a 'Manic depressive lizard weasel'. He also did ones about a family cruise, and his soul being like a bar. The crow did ones about 'Where did you get that jacket?', along respecting personal boundaries, and a 'Dear Alcohol' letter.
There were plenty of other comics I recognized, first time in a while where I saw the neck tattoo comic perform. He did one about having a pit bull. The barber got some clapping when he said there is just one race, the human race. His dad had just passed. Even before then I was thinking of the song 'Black or White', by Michael Jackson. Always have been more of a fan of his sister, Janet, but he did have some songs I like. This had a memorable video, in it we see child star Macaulay Culkin dancing while a rapper has a few lines. I liked this part as they are wonderful sentiments- 'Rather hear both sides of the tale', and 'Not going to spend my life being a color'. Ding Dong Ditch was MC, and did ones about 'no one will ever know' and her undies. Resistable did ones about her hair being too red for Target, her dad's eye patch, and a hipster roommate. The godmother did ones about corn stalks, a married girl on dating sites, and a dog surgery. Locks of love did one about Christmas trees. Bus fare did ones about teeth in a hotel room, strangers touching his hair, and the walk of shame. The lunch lady did ones about green eggs and ham, National Geographic, and was wearing a Ramones shirt.
The Kentucky native did ones about a Christian romance novel writing, and his wife being Minnesota Baptist, different from southern Baptist.
    I did hear from another friend who lives in St. Louis, this would be the family where the wife is a high school classmate. He works in a family business, they have four boys. He said the call was helpful as he needed a break from some long meetings. I of course wanted to hear how my friends are doing because of the media attention of the Ferguson ordeal. We agreed on how it is tough to see the metro area getting so much negative media attention. I spoke of what I saw and did in my June visit, like finding some of those birthday cake statues. He said it was tense there, and there will be no solution for a while. This was likely in reference to how the grand jury has just started hearings. I was asked if I had plans to make it back for another visit during baseball season, but there aren't any as I am likely lacking both the time and the money, two very important resources. He spoke of how he took his second-oldest son to a baseball game. I recall making a call to them a while back and one son answered and said hi. This was when they had just two sons, I asked which one of the two, and I think it was the oldest who said it was the other one which was funny to me. I spoke some about doing comedy, and said it is nice to hear from friends as I can always find time for friends.              

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