Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Klondike Oreo Bar

    The ice cream cart arrived this afternoon at the office, a fundraiser for the school backpack program. I got a Klondike Oreo bar. A colleague was willing to pay for all of those in the department. She is a Timber-wolves basketball fan and recently spoke of plans to have more surgery on her hands. What did I do for a Klondike bar? not much. I did say thank you for the gesture. Another colleague asked if I had done this, he is from Detroit but his favorite football team is not the Lions, but the 49ers. He told me the story why, something about betting his lunch money at age 10 and losing when a late kickoff was returned when they played the Bears. I am not sure what year it was. I haven't had Klondike bars much before, as I recall they are usually more expensive than most in retail stores. It tasted fine, and of course I have enjoyed cookies and cream flavored ice cream before.
     There was plenty on the news recently, including today, about remembering Officer Scott Patrick of Mendota Heights, as his funeral was today. Since I moved to the Twin Cities 10 years ago I think it is the 5th police officer killed in the line of duty. Much of what was on the news looked familiar, as officers from miles around came to pay their respects. I know this is a memory from when I was young, when a cop was killed in my hometown of Newton, Iowa.
      At the comedy club tonight, there were 3 no-shows. The MC was familiar though, not sure if he has been written about before but an appropriate nickname may be 'Blind Side' as his story sounds a little like the movie starring Sandra Bullock. I haven't heard a joke where this is referenced yet. He was allowed to watch 'Cops', but not 'The Simpsons'. Happy Meal did one about how his wisdom teeth hurt, and asking for pain killers. The Louisiana native dealt with a heckler. He did ones about how Neosporin is for cuts, and defusing a bomb. Auto-correct did one about Noodles and Company. Others were about starting a business at Kick-Starter, and office chair toilets. Then it was taking an acting class, office small talk, and babies stealing her friends. The Mason City native did one about being on Zoloft, and it takes away 'fight or flight'. Self checkout did ones about 80's night at the bar, and how tattoos are over. The Kentucky native did ones about being under-height, and eating at Taco Bell. The Perkins employee did one about cat surgery. Capital City did one about being the coolest ever, and a Bonnie Tyler song. The show closer was from Denver, and as I recall was a comic I had seen at another club two days ago. The Mason City native is still working on filming the Youtube video, tonight I saw one scene filmed with a tomato garden as a backdrop. Happy Meal was playing a hipster. Somebody in their car about to leave asked about it.

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