Friday, December 5, 2014

Helped With Two Trees

   At work I helped with setting up 2 trees as part of the holiday decorations. One of them collapsed on me after I moved it to get the cotton fake snow mat down under the base. I needed a few minutes to get it back together.
   In the evening I went to a bowling alley for another singles event through Match dot-com. Pizza was all right, bowled 2 games, a 75 and 101. Needed a spare in the 10th frame to get there.
   I was the winning bidder on a postcard of the Maytag plant that was listed on E-bay, it was my first order in months. I will probably get a few more items soon.
   I went straight to the comedy club after the bowling event, much like in October. Michigan did one about a bowling coupon. Software developer did ones about shaving a beard but still has a mustache. He also bought a pickup truck and a vanity plate. His heart has 4 chambers. Fantasia did ones about being right on time, and getting an I-Pad or finding it. In the shout-out to me he said I wish my dad had said that. I'm here all the time and you know me was what I said. The other was about locked keys in car, and lock picking school. Tortoise and hare did ones about seamless transitions, and the actor known as 'The Rock'. He has a passion for detective work, and there was a 'Men in Black' reference. Others were about using the baby needle, and a butterfly needle, and a cemetery as a hoarder. Laundry did ones about not liking drinking games, more phony than Siri, outdated sayings, and roundabouts. International Falls did ones about dog rescue, police dog poem, and raccoon rescue. Others were about giving up casual sex, spooning under bushes, touching hair in a porta pottie, street harasser, and a bathrooms of the world book. Mr. Pibb did ones about being tapped on the shoulder, and buying fish (used). Ragu did ones about movies preventing suicide, saving up for a gun, Riddler on the Roof, bus drinking and Seagram's, Call of Duty, Two Chains rap concert, and career options for older rappers. There was a new comic, age 18, wearing an Oakland A's hat. I like baseball a lot so I am going to notice this of course. He had a box of Juicy Juice. Happy Meal was holding a 'Steal this Book'. He did ones about getting some free stuff since a friend had passed, and slideshows on sitcoms.

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