Sunday, November 29, 2015

American Inventions, Time/Life

    I needed to get trash bags at the grocery store and decided to get a special magazine I had seen on display as well. It is called 'American Inventions', published by Time/Life. The cover has various photos, including a doll (probably Barbie), a baseball, Tom Edison, Henry Ford, a traffic light, a teddy bear, a zipper, blue jeans, and a hamburger. I have read through some of it already and some of it is familiar with what I was taught in history classes- my college major- or what I have learned on my own. It is good that it covers a wide variety of inventions, as there are seven sections. They are: building America, the office, food, recreation, health and medicine, apparel, and technology. I liked seeing mention of the polio vaccine. I had heard older generations talk about knowing people who suffered from polio, and I am thankful to know it mainly as a history book item. It is nice to say 'There is a vaccine for that'. I said the same when Dad spoke about being ill and unable to accept awards at 8th grade country school graduation. Two of those diseases- measles and mumps- I had to get a vaccine for before I was able to take a job in a nursing home. Some of the more recent ones- like in the technology section- I am not quite as familiar with, especially when I don't use all of those gadgets. I try to keep it simple.
   I am not sure what is wrong with the kitchen sink as it is slow to drain again, even after putting Drano in it recently, and the garbage disposal doesn't run when turned on. I still got the dishes done today, but it likely took a little longer as I was dumping the water in the bathroom sink. I also got the laundry done, and after having dinner at home I went to the comedy club. Opera singer was MC, and a guitar player was the final act. 
   Also at the comedy club, Opera singer did ones about no jellyfish, BYO service, no phone for a week, hiking near river, beer-tender, and back by dumpsters. Maryland did ones about like a ninja, Obama, turning 30, chase a squirrel, strip club, pay to watch violence, it's called going outside, and water on Mars. Werewolf did ones about can I kiss it?, petting zoo, and drug test. Chalm Skinn did ones about bubble wrap on road, flying to D.C., and jack and gin. Ice cream did ones about a scooper, 7th last thanksgiving, and develop trail mix. Note page did ones about bleaching, joke is on them, comb over, socks, and Best Buy blue-ray. Long straw did ones about plot to resurrect, smashed pennies, fedora wearers, and Big Bang Theory. Yemen native did ones about mom got divorced, McChicken, cheating wife, Jay-Z, play with toothbrushes, and catch with feet.  

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