Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Educational Talent Search

    A match from internet dating spoke of being a program manager for college-ready programs. I said I was in one as I was from a low-income family. The high school version was called Educational Talent Search and the college version was Special Support Services. I actually didn't like qualifying for either program, as I am prideful and didn't want anyone looking down on me. There were some nice things about it in spite of my pride. We saw the play 'The Government Inspector' at Central College in Pella, IA, who administered the program at my high school. Even though Pella wasn't the town in grew up in. There was fee waivers for college applications and mileage reimbursement for campus visits. For the college version I recall every so often meeting with counselors who said they had checked in with my instructors. Then there was a graduation banquet. When I wasn't doing well in a science class they got me a tutor but that wasn't really necessary in my book. Especially when I majored in history and was just taking the minimum science requirements to graduate. I recall writing down in my day planner book that I was 'Labeled remedial' because of my pride.
   It was nice performing tonight at the comedy club. I did some of the jokes from Sunday like the ones about the new laptop, and the burlesque show. Another was inspired by Long Straw doing a joke about smashed penny souvenirs and I said I had plenty of them. I like having them as they are cheap souvenirs.
   Also at the comedy club, Blind Side did ones about the 1998 Chicago Bulls, 19 and counting, Amber Alert, mashed potatoes, adopted, from Atlanta, X-box, group therapy, and lie about parents. Nebraska did ones about the venue's wall art, dog food commercials, Wendy's, and have a nice life. Fish noodle did ones about a one-week road trip, and going to NE Wisconsin. Long straw did ones about fedora and cardigan, besides the one about smashed pennies. Werewolf did ones about a petting zoo, natural hair color, drug test, public shaming, and reefer madness. Blake did ones about stick figure family, Taco Bell drive-thru, spider in grapes, doing laundry, cupcake wars, and kindergarten graduation. Former bartender did ones about guns and drugs, joke and speech, ambidextrous, parking spot, animal shelter, and strip club. Wee bit did ones about put wallet away, no tattoos, and high on allergy pills. Cee-note did ones about driving through Nebraska, abortion billboards, and boss thinks he's better than me.  

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