Sunday, May 15, 2016

kansas city lights, steve wariner

this weekend I was listening to music on my car radio and heard the song 'Kansas city lights' by steve wariner near the end of my drive home. I must have heard it before in my lifetime as I do recall at times as a kid trying to sing 'Kansas city life'. as in romanticizing wanting to live there when I became an adult. why? was it visiting there to see royals baseball games? this is something that my family did, and I recalled also seeing the harry Truman museum in nearby independence, and staying at the green crest motel.
   as usual, I went to find it on youtube after hearing it on the radio. some things do really work for me. I understand the song is about the longing for someone. this is evident in lyrics like 'I think of her', and 'I've been away for too long'. naturally also memorable is mention of the lights, 'in my mind they shine so bright', and 'shine for me tonight'. though what I liked most had to be lines like 'it's just sometimes it feels like no one cares', and mention of the act of writing, 'as I take my pen to write'. and since I like traveling I like the imagery in 'as the plane touches down' as I have spoke of planes touching down before, but mostly when and not necessarily how I felt since I am often on a tight schedule. this was a hit song in 1982. and the performer, steve wariner, is a member of the grand ole opry and the music city walk of fame, according to Wikipedia. it was not a number one hit but it said he had many other songs that were.
   I got laundry completed around midday, and walked away with 13 cents left on the floor, a dime and 3 pennies. I also got started on reading a book on loan from my dad that I hadn't read in a while. I ate and did dishes and then went to the comedy venue. one of the jokes was inspired by somebody using the term 'history buff', a term that I don't like at all as it is my college major. I also told a prom story to get more stage time. and I liked telling one about being hassled when parking my car on the way to the weisman art museum this weekend, along with finding some chewing gum in the gift shop that spoke of opinions and pizza. I did get an invite to another open-mic in the evening bur I didn't go. first I had heard about it and I was too tired. I drove home from the donut party and fell asleep, missed the start of 'the simpsons'. it was about homer doing improv comedy.

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