Sunday, May 8, 2016

rightside mirror on car

i was driving back from performing and noticed the outside mirror on the passenger side of my car was moving around way more than typical. I looked at it constantly and managed to get it home, then decided to investigate. some of the glue had stopped working. so I got out some duct tape and placed some in the middle to stabilize it. looks like it is working fine, and I got this done before I went to perform again in the evening. this time it was the black dog in st. paul. I think I had been there before on a date, but it had been a while.
   I did listen to 2 CDs this morning. one was a music CD, the 'purple rain' movie soundtrack. the other was a comedy CD, both were ordered from amazon. now it means getting the reviews uploaded soon. I tried to shortly after I had finished listening to them but it kept spinning, the proverbial 'holding pattern'. in the evening after performing I walked around the neighborhood and found carts to return to the grocery store, 10 in all. good exercise for me. also went over to the laundromat just before closing and picked up the trash and put it in the bins. I also claimed a penny and a plastic hanger. so that made a total of 3 pennies picked up at various places, surprised to see so much loose change out there. naturally it goes into my change bank. or maybe it shouldn't surprise me, as I have seen how some of it ends there, just not too often. people can be careless when reaching into their pocket for something else like keys, and that is when I hear the coins falling out on the pavement. then there was the recent online article that I still need to read about how much change is left at the airport security screening stations, well over a half million dollars a year. I think this is comparable to what I had just described. people are in a rush and don't think to pick up everything, so who cares about a few coins that are left behind? I had a done a bit before about how I feel a kinship with a penny, as I feel like it 'needs me' as I at times felt like I was forgotten or left behind. but it is also being a history major and recalling quotes from people like ben franklin, saying 'a penny saved is a penny earned'. true, pennies by themselves don't buy that much. but last time I checked, save them and eventually you'll have a dollar and one can still buy things with that amount.   

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