Sunday, December 22, 2019

facing the giants movie

i watched a DVD on loan from the library around midday, 'facing the giants'. I like football movies, this one was about a high school team in Georgia and its beleaguered coach. I did not recognize any of the actors in it, but watching the special features helped me with understanding a cameo. it was the coach of the u. of Georgia football team. the closing credits said it was fictional, and I wanted this to be based on a true story but it was not. I guess there were some tip-offs that it wasn't. such as when it looks like their season has ended after a first round playoff loss and the phone rings a day or two later, saying the other team had to forfeit due to using two ineligible players. it's still a nice 'triumph over adversity' story, just depends on how you feel about the 'preaching' in it. since they talk about faith in God a lot as well as certain bible verses. the closing credits do mention a Baptist church in Georgia producing it. in some ways I guess the football metaphor works. when the opponent in the state finals is called 'the giants' and the field goal kicker is named david. of course one will think of 'david and goliath', being a 'giant killer'. some of it may have been inspired by 'hoosiers' as the state finals opponent has more than twice as many players, which doesn't seem likely when there are usually classes based on school enrollment.
   I did laundry, and while waiting for it to finish I picked up a few items at the dollar store. I usually go on a different day, but with the holiday coming up I decided to move it up. and I went to the library to return a movie and picked up another one. then eventually it was on to a holiday gathering for comics. I liked seeing bathtub, and his wife, there. I had hoped to see the puppeteer there, when her husband arrived, but he spoke of how she couldn't make it. he told a story about her mother-in-law and performing. it was a thin crowd compared to previous years. I know some people couldn't make it because of scheduling conflicts.

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