Sunday, December 1, 2019

angel heart movie

I watched a DVD movie on loan from the library this morning, 'angel heart'. I chose it because I had heard about how lisa bonet was in it as a voodoo priestess. this was a big deal since she was on 'the cosby show' as denise at the time. other actors I recognized in it were mickey Rourke, and Robert deniro. it is about a private eye that works a case in new York city, and then new orleans. and people he talks to end up dead, shortly after their meeting. the setting was the 1950s, so I had to allow for the portrayal of the south at the time, it was before the civil rights movement. the opening credits say it was based on a book, called 'fallen angel'. just as important to me was watching some of the special features. one of them spoke of the Hollywood portrayal of voodoo as a religion, saying it usually has been inaccurate. I did go on a cemetery tour that included a stop to see a voodoo priestess when I was in new orleans in 2002. I recall dollar bills being left on statues where she spoke to us. another notable thing was mention of how it was a controversial movie upon release, but those who didn't like it hadn't seen it. comparisons were made to 'last temptation of christ', which I haven't seen yet.
   I made it to the library in the afternoon to return two movies and get another one. still waiting for some of those in my list, but looking though those in the racks I still get some good ideas. I typed up a letter to a friend that lives in st. louis, saying how I was doing since the july visit. I spoke of how I got a job since then, and spoke of what I did besides see baseball during the july visit. I said 'thank you' again to the friend, and the assistant, who helped with getting me a good seat at one of the two games I attended. I didn't watch much of the pro football games today. after the library, I went to target and got some winter shoes. I didn't want to go through another weekend of wet feet. that was happening too much as sometimes I had no choice to walk through slush, and puddles.

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