Tuesday, February 8, 2011

12 years of service

I marked my service anniversary at the workplace today by bringing in 2 dozen cookies for my colleagues. I made sure to put up a sign saying who brought them and why. It is a big deal to make it through each year, when it can be volatile in corporate America. I know it meant something for my dad as well, and likely for the same reason. Though his at the Maytag plant was in September. He cared a lot about his line of work and there was no wedding anniversary to celebrate, after he got divorced anyway. When I started I didn't think too much how long I would last, I was just thankful to have found a decent job after washing out of plenty of temp jobs after moving from Iowa to suburban Chicago. I would have preferred it be not so close to my birthday, which is next month, but it's no big deal to me. I like being able to have lasted 12 years, it of course meant having to move nearly 7 years ago after getting the layoff notice. I was looking at transfers in advance since I got a 'heads-up' about it from my former boss and mentor who cared enough to tell me.
   I liked seeing our senior leader bring over my certificate and gift card, and spoke with him for a few minutes after it. Seemed appropriate when I had a one on one with my boss later in the day, although it was postponed from an earlier date. I asked about looking at other roles, such as legal and compliance or even more writing opportunities like technical writing. I know from taking classes at the Loft how there are many jobs geared to writing, and I often recall hearing about technical writing.
   Went to the comedy club tonight, a good friend of mine was the headliner. Found out he will be performing at the same club this week, would like to see one of the shows, trying to figure out how it will work best in my schedule.

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