Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Annual Meeting at Loft

Attended the Loft annual meeting tonight in Minneapolis. Saw a former instructor there, it was a reminder of how much had changed in my life since taking that class 4 years ago. I started doing comedy since then. Also notable: the class was around the time of the 35W bridge collapse. Pleased that he recognized me, wasn't expecting that but this has happened before. I trust this is a good thing, leaving a lasting impression, though I once heard a joke in response saying they had seen me on 'America's Most Wanted'. I haven't been on the show, so of course it was a joke. But still a good story to tell. This instructor did a critical writing class, I went to an open house event and another instructor said I was good for the class and was right. I am still surprised at times what I'm good at, but as the saying goes you'll never knoe until you try. I like being straightforward about what works and what doesn't, without being mean. It's also surprising about what relevance I am finding about events from before I started the blog, events I hadn't written about yet. It gives me hope that I can continue to find good subjects to write about for a while, one concern that writers have is experiencing writer's block. It was nice adding another stickie to the timeline of Loft history, found out the one from last year was still there and didn't want to duplicate it, this time I spoke of doing comedy as well, relevant to writing.
   The Kesha show was tonight at Wilkins Aud in St. Paul, I had to pass due to the scheduling conflict. But I did go to Cheapo after the event and got 2 CDs, one was a Pink CD which had 'Get This Party Started' on it, a reminder of seeing Chicago Wolves hockey games when living there. The other had James Bond movie songs, liked 'View to a Kill' by Duran Duran, the liner notes said it was a #1 hit.

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