Monday, December 12, 2011

Willing to Help Out

My department is small, and we had 2 people out today using up vacation days before year-end. So it was busier than typical, which is fine with me as the day goes more quickly when I'm filling in for others. Though I was so busy I didn't remind myself right away to get a message sent to my student in the company's mentoring program, and I apologized in advance for that. May need to make it part of my routine for the end of the week before leaving the office, like watering my plant. It is one thing I've said related to teamwork for quite a while: I'm willing to help out any way I can. Many lessons learned about teamwork go back to being on ym high school's football team.
    At the comedy club tonight, I saw a comedian friend for the first time in while. She was in town from California, we hugged. I may be getting a Facebook invite soon for one of their shows. Unsure how long they will be in town, but it appears to be more than just a few days. I had to wait to say hello to them as many others wanted to do the same. I know well enough to wait, and there's no problem finding others to talk to when I know a decent number of people at the club.

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