Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Returns and Exchanges

Didn't want to wait in line tonight at returns and exchanges counter, had an apparel gift to return. It was too long of a wait, wanted to get to the comedy club. I tried finding out if they did have what I was looking for, but it was apparently all sold out. So I still don't know what to do. But it likely means getting an alternate gift, not good at getting apparel unless it's for myself, I know what fits me. I know I didn't laugh as much as typical at the club tonight, because of it. I really wanted to take care of business before getting there and was unable to do so, but I also knew when I had limited time it was best to wait when I had more time like having 2 days off this week. The returns counter is busy this time of year anyway. I recall saying many times before how it seemed to be cliche to see the footage on TV the day after Christmas about items being returned, and it could be from any store.
  It did help to see some comedian friends greet me before and after the show. I did share some of my dilemma with them, as it did make me feel a little better. But I think being able to correct it will help even more, as I do like being able to atone right away. And since I have been better able to handle setbacks in recent years, thanks to unloading my anger where it belonged, I do tend to bounce back more quickly than before. Most of it was understanding how I was needlessly torturing myself over missed chances, and I would keep making the same mistake if I spent too much time brooding over it and be unable to see the chances still in front of me. These are opportunities to learn, much like I song I've heard with lyrics about 'heads we win, tails we try again'. I am trying to figure out a way to turn the ordeal into a joke, give me some time and I think I will. Seemed appropriate that I got stuck in the wrong lane when I needed to make a turn to get home after the show, ended up at the airport instead. I just wasn't paying attention, normally I am not that distracted since I know the route real well.

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