Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Not a Rudolph Figurine

I needed razors and shave cream so I stopped at Walgreen to get them before going to the comedy club tonight. iIthought about also getting a 'Rudolph the red nosed reindeer' but 'buyer beware' is good advice. Since I read the package and it appeared to be like a Chia pet- add water and it gets bigger. I was expecting it to be a figurine. I have no use for a Chia pet so I just bought what I really needed and left. I have a few other Rudolph items, since I once worked for Montgomery Ward and one of their employees created the character.
   Saw a short video online about female infants being killed en masse in India, leading to many towns having few if any women since 'dowries' are still common practice despite being outlawed a while ago. It is hard to know what to say about it. I know many countries value men more than women, explaining why women's rights do not exist in some countries. What I normally say about what happens in other nations- if it differs greatly from what happens here- is three things. It tends to cover most issues. Not every country is like America, likes America, and not every country wants to be like America. I don't know if it's a case of the journalist trying to tell us how we have it good here, or if they're trying to get things changed there.


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