Thursday, December 1, 2011

Another 40 Minutes

This time the 40 minutes were at work, for a meeting that a colleague called a 'waste of time'. I didn't like how many of us were left standing, not enough chairs. But it was due to them not putting enough out, which can be done if they move the tables out. And 2 of the 3 exits were blocked. This is something where I said it was a likely fire marshal violation, but I knew well enough not to say much as i know whistleblowers aren't well protected even though they should be. I am still surprised how many inept people are able to keep their jobs, as this shouldn't be happening at all but it's a chonic problem. Didn't have it for a while, then it came back. Makes no sense to me.
    One positive thing about the even was hearing about a train tour at another office next week. When the senior leader said just 4 were signed up, I decided to get signed up right after the meeting. These kinds of tours don't happen too often. I of course will have my dad in mind, since he loves railroads. It reminded me of making it to a stop on a holiday train tour when I lived in suburban Chicago. It was at a yard with a big switch tower, and I liked going up in the tower to see what it looked like. It was a fundraiser for the food banks, and it meant sending donations of canned goods while singers were performing on the train.
    In the evening I went to a potluck event, I brought some Lay's BBQ potato chips and some small pumpkin cupcakes. Though the most popular thing was the Pizza Hut pizza ordered by the event coordinator. I said I had delivered for them one summer in college, though I didn't order from them much at all. I had some of their pizza before, as every so often there was a 'mistake pizza' put in the back.

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