Tuesday, June 19, 2012

One Piece at a Time

As I was leaving the comedy club I was paying attention to the songs I was hearing. In my car it was 'One Piece at a Time' by Johnny Cash, on radio station 89.3. The station was covering the year 1976, when it was a hit. The deejay said it was his final number one, and spoke of 'Legionnaire's Disease' being a big news story that year. Another song I heard was 'Still Rock and Roll to Me' by Billy Joel. I didn't stay in the club to hear the end of it as I had just told a friend I was leaving anyway. I do like the song though, and listened to all of it on Youtube when I got home. It's a nice reminder of visiting St. Louis one summer on break from college, hearing it on somebody's car radio there. And I liked knowing I had an aptitude for music then, knowing the title and performer fairly often.
   At the comedy club, it was the finals for the summer contest. A bearded man from Fargo-Moorhead won. With another comic, I started another round of the crowd laughing when I laughed, a delayed reaction to a joke about bunk beds and jazz musicians. One fellow comic said some seats were saved for two girls, but the girls never arrived. I did like having the seat next to the bathroom, as some did acknowledge me on their way in.
   At work it looks like the crisis is averted, in terms of coverage at the office soon. It just means having to train the new hire on more duties, likely needed to do this anyway. And it means handling the same payoff report three straight weeks, as I was asked to trade with somebody so the training could happen.
   I cracked open the Maytag Muenster cheese tonight, first time since I bought it when I was back in Iowa for the class reunion. It's really tasty, but I know well enough not to eat it all at once.
   On the bus this morning I saw a gray-haired woman who spent most of the ride with her head in her hands. She looked like a much older version of Little Red Riding Hood, if 'Hood' also wore pink pants with fringe at the ankles and pink flip-flops as well.

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