Monday, August 6, 2012

Not The Hotwire Website

The theater guy told me a story earlier today about hotwiring a car. It was prompted by my story of having to deal with a locked steering wheel one time on a rental car. He said I must not have had any experience with larceny. He also told me a story of playing with somebody's mind at a sci-fi convention. At first I thought he said 'double' but he meant 'devil'. The woman at the hotel complained of the 'devil worshippers' at this convention. He then said nobody worshipped him, and she ran away. It made me laugh that she ran away. Check and mate is what some would say.
   I did go onstage at the comedy club tonight, I was number 7 in the lineup. I did some jokes about being in Great Britain, like how I didn't see any soccer hooligans. Then there was the one about the comments made by a customs agent at the airport when I returned to the USA after a week. It went real well, I got a few comments like 'good work' as I was walking back to my seat. I said 'thank you' and it makes me feel good that I can do this real well. But it helps that I've been at it for a little while and have a better idea of what works. One comic was booted, went over their time, a recent transplant from Louisiana. One comic was listed twice on the lineup, but another comic was given the second slot instead of skipping the slot. No surprise there as this is customary when it happens, which is rare.
   On the drive home there was a song on my car radio that brought back memories, it was 'Hey Jealousy' by the Gin Blossoms. It was a hit when I was in my first year of college. I at first hated it as I thought too much of my own jealousy. But I was in a nowhere relationship at the time. Later on I liked it more because I had quit the jealousy, which was helped by the big step of finding the courage to end the relationship.

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