Monday, August 20, 2012

The Club Was Locked

There were plans to meet about an upcoming show at a club near the comedy club tonight, after the comedy show. But it was locked. I went over there a little early and found this out. Notable about the place was seeing a big Grain Belt beer sign out front.
   I went back to the comedy club and arrived as the show was letting out. Then I was told the meeting would be there. I won't have many lines in a skit, as I am playing an office assistant. There was some lively talk about the outfit I may wear. But I said I don't have many options. One member of the show was called during the meeting to be kept in the loop about it.
    I was thankful to have made it on time to get signed up, don't know why I end up cutting it so close at times. Saw one of the show runners for this weekend right away at the club, so we hugged. She and her companion now live in California and drove back for the show.
   Before the meeting began, one of them kept saying something about a rash from poison oak, it was hard to tell at first whether or not it was just a joke. We're comics, after all. But nobody wanted to touch him so it must have been for real. There will be a dress rehearsal on Friday. Hard to follow the rest of the schedule, as the 2 shows are Saturday evening. I trust I won't have to be there too early. I like having that day for chores and errand running, or just plain resting. But I must balance it with doing comedy, as I know a gig like this doesn't happen too often.
   It looks like I will have a segment covering the search for Charlie Brown and Snoopy statues, which was the one skit idea I had submitted.

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