Wednesday, October 1, 2014

American Lung Association

    I have to be thankful to the server from last night in more ways than one. I found out it is a better idea to do notes on a note pad than on comment cards or napkins. I told myself I have plenty of note pads sent to me by non-profits that want my money and they aren't getting used. So now I have a reason to use them. Tonight I used one from the American Lung Association. It said 'Fighting for air' and appears to be a Christmas theme. At the top it says 'Just a note' and the bottom is a gingerbread man. Next to 'Just a note' is a mitten filled up like a stocking there are various things sticking out, including a candy cane and a horse head.
   I recognized plenty of comics tonight. Blind side was MC. He did ones about the shows 'Simpsons' and 'Cops', security guard will shank you, and what he is worth since he is adopted. Kentucky did ones about judging without making eye contact, losing 30 pounds, tread mill at gym, and how much Taco Bell he ate. Godmother did one about a vision board and eye-chart. Others were about arresting a drunk hair dresser, her mom has dementia, 19 kids and counting, giving up cable, and the mailman with gloves. Self-checkout has a birthday coming up. Others were about best route to take, stepdad signing texts, Bill Nye comparison, as well as wine and valium. Conga line did one about a church selling holy water, and a wet t-shirt contest. Others were about not being a paperboy, and being in the closet with Salma Hayek. University accountant did one about balloons out of pig bladders. Others were about the Ragu Wikipedia page, drinking Red Bull, and the Barnum and Bailey Circus. Perkins
did one about a family cruise. Others were about his dad being too hard with a dipstick, his dad sweating after showers, his mom's eye surgery, David Copperfield, and Martin Scorsese. Software developer did ones about an adopted daughter being left at home, as well as tequila and a compliment. A father-son team was there. The son did one about a cavalcade of comedy. Others were about don't hurt my friend, Shaq and Chewy, and threw up over patio. The dad did one about candy cigarettes. Mason City did one about working at a school, and being on a field trip. The radio personality was show closer. She did ones about a refugee family, an apple orchard, her son brushing his butt, her sister shooting squirrels, and her garage sale mom.
    At work the political science guy was wondering how somebody would be allowed to drive. He was making some tough calls today, saying we need a signed authorization by the client. I am used to his speech by now where most of them are going to voice mail.

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