Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Herding Cats

    There was a City Pages article, the cover story, about the comedy festival. It did make a reference about how it is like 'Herding cats', which I understand must be hard to do. I liked the feeling of knowing many of those in the article.
   I did more promoting of the comedy festival tonight, went to four places before heading to the comedy club. One of those was Common Good Books, owned by Garrison Keillor. I was able to get both kinds of posters on display there. I got cards posted to bulletin boards at a Super-America gas station, and a Caribou coffee shop. The final place was a bar near a comedy club, but was told that general manager approval was needed. The manager on duty did say he would lobby for it.
   At the comedy club tonight, apron was m.c. and sub teacher was show closer. I liked finding an employee of the St. Paul Saints baseball team, he looked familiar, especially when wearing a Saints jacket. I said I was reading a Saints book currently, 'Slouching towards Fargo'.
   Apron did ones about being uncomfortable on airplanes, and 'I should be the coach'. Jersey video did ones about wearing glasses, attending a Vikings game, and Aaron Rodgers. Turtle check did ones about a weight loss challenge, changing shapes, and Xanax. Others were about selfies, and drunk password changes. Software developer did one about 'tequila and a compliment'. Ding Dong did ones about an easy-bake crematorium, and and clown shooting arrest. A former member of the Navy did one about hypothetical questions. Another was about 'how can I make her cry?' Laundry did one about quicksand. Another was about bakery, prison, and hookers. Godmother did ones about a bucket list, a roadtrip to Denver, and panic at the dog park. Others were about an arrest at a hair salon, and her husband was promoted. The crow did one about pro wrestling, and being caught by his grandma. Perkins did ones about a zombie apocalypse, Steve Buscemi, and his car was almost towed. Locks of Love did ones about 'pork-tober' in Iowa, sleeping naked with ghosts, her dad returning a greeting card, and perform depravity. Kentucky did one about finding a bar. Preschool teacher did one about a chocolate bar, being in Las Vegas, and 'down by the bay'. Sub teacher did ones about Ron Paul stickers, ISIS as grandma nicknames, and bullet-proof glass in gas stations. Others were about flax seed, a flirt in a bar, 'Remember the Titans', baby cougars, and 'Mr. Blueberry'. Then there was his lady at MNDOT, a gas station pizza, and rough abstinence.

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