Friday, October 17, 2014

Bowling At Memory Lanes

     I went to a Match dot-com Stir event at Memory Lanes in Minneapolis as I like bowling. I bowled 3 games, got over 100 for two of them. The scores were 71, 106, 107- in that order. I like bowling but I don't go very often now, more fun to bowl when in a group. I knew I was better than my first game, since I bowled in a league when I was young. Another attendee was interested in how I do stand-up comedy and write a blog, it led to me giving out a business card as I was on my way out. I was asked to tell a joke and it was about a preacher who talked about what the family dog did during a sermon. I quit the church over that. This was somebody who was part of an 'Entourage' of three. It was my first Stir event, recommended by a colleague after I spoke of how online dating just hasn't panned out. When I tried speed dating before I said I wasn't good at it, needed more time than 3 minutes with each match. But it was before I did stand-up. So now if you give me 3 minutes and a microphone, I know I can wow people. There was some food in a banquet or party room, appetizers like tortilla chips and carrot sticks. Eventually chicken was put into the covered warming tray, so I had some of it as well. I hadn't eaten much after getting off work so I was ready to eat by then, knowing food would be furnished. And there was the music, 'If it makes you happy' by Sheryl Crow, and 'Human Wheels' by John Mellencamp was played there.
   After the bowling event, it was on to the comedy club. I also picked up more flyers to hang this weekend. After parking my car near the club, I liked finding another foreign coin in the lot near my car. It is from South Africa, 5 cents, from 1974. It is good that I pay attention to the opportunities that exist in life. It is not the first time where I ended up with a coin after seeing it on the pavement in a parking lot. When I see something shiny, I inspect it- might be of value. There is a bird on the side that says '5c', maybe a crane. It will go into the tin with the other coins I am collecting. I liked bring able to think on my feet, doing a joke about what I was eating. somebody asked me 'Popcorn, peanuts?' 'No, Cracker Jacks, baseball joke'.
   Mr. Pibb did ones about Legos, a dumpster fire, and a firefighter on a motorcycle. Others were about be a lady, skip dessert, and mango hibiscus. Postage stamp did ones about 'Toy Story', and walk into the woods for a time machine. Others were about an eccentric weirdo and spoons, it disgusts me, and bread knives. Fever said he had a nice coat, be impressed with it. he is still bullied by teenagers, and did one about deer suicide. Others were about a sex swing at Home Depot, and a hash brown breakfast. Tortoise and hare did one about a cemetery hoarder. Others were about you were there, the Wizard of Oz, basted roast beef, and get up for D and D. Morton Salt did ones about a sleep number bed, pro-life billboards, and his uncle selling expensive sneakers. Rut-roh did one about
a redneck at a bookstore, and was wearing an 'area man' shirt. Others were about a mulligan on a 'real handshake', chess with Bob Seger, Sarah Jessica Parker, and crack is vegan. Fantasia did ones about girls loving jerks, Michael Jordan, a pan to scoop it out of the river, and his dad was so cool. Bus fare hates small talk, a sandwich conundrum, then pizza, soup. Another was about being from a South American orphanage. Happy meal did one about sweating while eating fast food, before getting to the drive-thru. Others were about a coupon book, for adoption, and why are there two windows? I said 'I'm still here' to Fever and Morton Salt.

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