Friday, October 3, 2014

Like Golf, And Be Water

   I was onstage at the comedy club tonight. All 3 jokes in my set were inspired by the same comic, big dog. But he wasn't there. After the show I heard advice from Happy Meal- comedy is like golf, as well as be like water. He also said something about me being analytical. I liked how I got through my set. I was nervous before I went on, and exhausted but relieved when I was finished. It may need work, but the other 2 are fine- 'Ear wax' and 'Indentured servant'. Closing song was 'please stand up' or 'real slim shady' by Eminem.
    Nurses aide did a joke about back rubs. Rut-roh did ones about cheese he can't afford, rhetorical questions, people who ruin movies, jokes about cousins, and crack is vegan. Auto correct did one about life alert- fall and can't get up. Others were about the buffet line, ladies nights, why she doesn't like babies, and a guy up for a rebound. Roller grill did ones about having an old soul, and his manager having a neck tattoo. Netflix did one about strawberry shortcake hair. Others were about no marriage prospects, punk rock Jane Austen, a friend who passed a bar exam, and Beyoncé songs. Extra murder did ones about you have SAD, Nike jump rope, not his real name, $17 bill, and terrorist videos. Fantasia did one about girls loving jerks. Others were about Michael Jordan, and role playing. IED/IUD did ones about the Russian anti-gay stance, their vodka, and Wall Drug/Walgreen. Long straw did one about a Cubs urn, and lobster. He may have been known as Blockbuster. Laundry did one about bakery, prison, and hookers. Another was about kids doing street jokes. There was a Brooklyn guy, he wanted Polaroids after the show. Apron did ones about I should be the coach, and making people uncomfortable on planes. Bus fare lost a job at Chili's. It's how jobs work, seeing me on payday. Others were about a urinal trough, and don't poop in this bar. Red-faced comic did one about somebody ordering chicken fingers and ranch. Mr. Pibb did one about recycling fires. Ragu did ones about 'Wonderwall' by Oasis, 'All Star' by Smash Mouth, and jobs for old rappers like LL Cool J. Bartender did ones about tater tots, married and divorced a best friend, and 'taco-cat'. Happy Meal did one about the bathroom at a recent Vikings/Packers game.

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