Saturday, January 24, 2015

Pringles Baked Crispy Stix

    I went to the grocery store tonight and I chose something from the discount table as usual. It was Pringles baked crispy stix. There are 8 packs in the box, already eaten 2. There are about 14 or 15 sticks in a pack. These are tasty, it is cheese flavored. It is 80 calories per pack. As expected, items in the discount bin weren't selling well and often are near expiration dates or have just expired. These had just expired this week. It is a good way to try different items, this was just $1.50. Another was the same amount, Fiber One cookies, one per pack. I have seen their bars before but not cookies. A third was fruit cups by Del Monte, three, pack was discounted as the fourth was missing. Rounding it out was cookies with pumpkin pie frosting, I have had them earlier.
      This afternoon I went to the Twins fan-fest. It was a nice place to get one-dollar souvenirs. One of them was a Tony LaRussa Hall of Fame postcard. Also liked getting a Stan Musial magnet, offered by the Rochester (NY) Red Wings, a Twins minor league affiliate. This was in the bowels of the stadium near the end of my time there. Earlier I had bought a brown bag full of 100 baseball cards. I destroyed nearly half of them as there were plenty of duplicates. No surprise how a high percentage was Twins cards, about 20. In the same order I liked getting an All-Star game pin, spring training magnets, and a photo of three Twins players. It was likely from the commercials about building the current stadium known as Target Field. I recognized two of them as Mauer and Morneau. I did eat there, just a hot dog and bottled water. While taking the light rail there I once again thought of how I like riding the rails, had the same thought on Thursday. I know why- it reminds me of riding it when visiting St. Louis, and also riding it when living in Chicago-land. I have a lot of my dad in me- liking railroads.
   I stayed in this evening and listened to a friend's radio show, sub teacher. His guests was three by three, extra murder, and fever comic. Subjects included Charlie Hebdo and the presidential race of next year. Then it was time for me to get caught up on paperwork and paying two bills.

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