Friday, April 17, 2015

Down To One Escalator

    I went to the post office to drop off mail at midday and it was down to one escalator to get there from the skyway. So I met two people on the way down, doing my best to slide through but I think I rubbed butts with one of them. At the office the supervisor was out, and the political science guy spoke of what he saw in 'News to Know'- out weekly email of announcements. He said one photo was of two things he doesn't like- a dog and a baby. It was a bulldog.
   I went to two shows at the comedy club tonight, the Big Dog was headliner at the first one. A comic I knew from the Campus Pizza shows said he read this blog and referred to knowing who I wrote of in one entry, when I was waiting for the light rail after a show. I liked how he said that I seem to enjoy being alive, and I think this is largely true. I know I enjoy writing. He did one about how his dad got cancer.
    Also at the comedy club, Duffel Bag did ones about seasonal depression, Good Charlotte on the bus, and was wearing the smiley face sweater. Others were about getting a license on the second try, haven't been to the dentist in a while, one time use Tupperware, what does a funeral cost?, a super religious family, build a church or a bookstore, and a cat and a therapist. Mr. Pibb did a guest set. He did ones about Rihanna, Mom and son at skate park, MOA and Southdale, spoon and cherry, Orange Julius, and Dad kisses. The Big Dog did ones about bad porn, not a property dispute, die for you songs, does she understand sarcasm?, top or her head blown off, and tennis ball against wall. Others were about a voice impression of his dad, bathroom at Perkins, Backdraft and Point Break, horny goat weed, oh good evening, ring the bell, breathe into your shirts, if wrestlers invented baseball, the worst motel, hard core porn, spin the wheel and whammies, Kevlar face mask, an antique water pump, Christian Mingle, pregnant woman running, Halle Berry want to feel good, where is your furniture?, Dahmer and Menendez brothers, and real estate brokers.
    At the second show, the open-mic, International Falls did ones about sleepwalker poem, the national bird, placenta, hamsters, and police dog poem. Big Dog did ones about People magazine, and hemorrhoids. The shorter of the brothers did ones about a triple-X store, a Super Bowl bet, and a Grim Reaper costume. Tetris did ones about auto-mist at a grocery store, voice and face doesn't match, slippery when wet, return a welcome mat, and not video pin-ball. The taller of the brothers did ones about already look homeless, sell your guitar, studio apartment, and it's your bathtub. Extra murder did ones about automatic doors, and a urologist. Fantasia did ones about 'this guy', job interviews, role playing, and writing home. Tortoise did ones about solve crimes, Colt 45, and they always leave you. A newer comic did ones about a power forward, and Crocodile Dundee. Mr. Pibb did ones about Dad kisses, MOA and Southdale, spoon and cherry, Orange Julius, well laid out, side of fruit, Yelp review, and mustard wizard. Bus fare did ones about Air Bud, put the dog down, knife to gun fight, Grandma, and the Muppets. Software developer did ones about going to Las Vegas, adopted from China, night terrors, and two monsters to deal with. Duffel Bag did ones about still riding the bus, using permit as ID, computer cat and therapist, and sibling rivalry.
   On the way to the club tonight I heard some memorable songs. This included 'No one ever' by Howard Jones, 'On Fire' by Springsteen, and 'These Are Days' by 10,000 Maniacs.

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