Sunday, April 19, 2015

Outrageous Sophie Tucker Movie

     This afternoon I went to see the movie 'Outrageous Sophie Tucker' at the MSP film-fest, at the
St. Anthony main theater in Minneapolis. Even though my car is in the shop, I got there by taking the light rail to the Metrodome site stop, then walking the rest of the way on the Stone Arch bridge. I hadn't heard of this entertainer before, but hearing about her career going back to the vaudeville days interested me. I found out why I hadn't heard about her- she died in 1966, and it sounds like she didn't do many movies or TV shows. One movie was with Judy Garland, in 1938, a year before Judy did 'Wizard of Oz'. And one TV show she did was with Ed Sullivan. I of course like documentaries and biographies, so I did like this one since there were interviews with so many that knew her. I liked how she lived life her way, and I have learned this before with entertainers how they tend to be more
successful when doing something one's own way. I did check the list of the festival movies after it was done, it looks like 'Poverty, Inc.' is in the first ten in terms of ratings by viewers so it may get another screening during the 'Best of the festival'.
   In the evening I went to the comedy club and saw an entire lineup of comics I know. The D.C. native was MC, a visitor from Chicago (called 'Mouthy Broad' by D.C. native) did a guest set, Jersey Video was feature, and Oklahoma was headliner. I did a 'Ring of honor' photo with the Chicago visitor before the show, I think I will call her 'Baby puppet' since I liked a joke she had done before about a 'Shiny new baby puppet'. I had a shot as my drink as it was a dollar cheaper than the beer was. D.C. native did ones about railroad tracks, July 4th and the number joke, motivational sayings in rehab, nausea is binary, 7-up, cash weight loss prize, NBA Hispanic night, traffic court, water a fake plant, and 7 ladies on east coast. Baby puppet did ones about whiskey drinker, wishing it loved me back, Crown Royal, stoned and watch Animal Planet, Mr. Cuddles, sickle in litter box, sand papered, tenderized meat, 'sleepwalkers', lost 55 pounds, jelly roll and dinner roll, pick who's on my team, and hit on by married dudes. Jersey Video did ones about not wearing glasses, prosthetic foot, 20 years and 3 felonies, terrorist acronym, basketball and hockey penalties, above ground railroad, Aaron Rodgers, smoke weed, Sports Center, duck hunt, and his uncle pops up. D.C. returned and did ones about the Oinker, a free shirt, 30 minutes past a meal, bought 100 hot dogs, sell shirts and free tickets, Catholic school sex-ed, and 'Danger Zone', a song in 'Top Gun'.
   Oklahoma did ones about something great happened yesterday, wearing a hat, boobless on a
calculator, balding, and barber turning chair. Others were about morgue guy nicer, don't you mean either?, rug and ice cream shop, I like leaving 30 minutes earlier, stuff you said about yourself, quit jogging, a guy's towel dropped, physical therapist and personal trainer, haunted apartment, Bill Gates, dog poop, too early for handshake, server, wrote 'I'm sorry', I like tartar sauce, I was on the Garrison Keillor show, burn victim, compared to what?, and losing at Connect Four. This was followed by NASA is closed, living the dream of a kid, looked great 2 years ago, send a marching band, bought car on Craigslist, Bob Dole bumper sticker, saving for mid-life crisis, what's he doing here at the nightclub?, women don't pay for each other, comment cards, broken lock on stall, and throat clearing.

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