Monday, April 20, 2015

Not Laminated, Close Enough

   At the comedy club tonight, I performed and I was the lead-off, after the announcements, as well as the reading a page from the novel. One joke was about filming myself, something I don't do very often, and keeping the video camera in a fanny pack. When Mason City took the stage I liked getting more than one shout-out. One of them was about the list of concerts I had typed up in October. I said it was not laminated, but close enough. Looks like the posters for the anniversary show in two weeks from now have already been printed. I saw a few posted there tonight so I should attend it.
   My boss was not in the office again today, but it was no big deal getting things done, just busy as it was the typical high-volume day with the payoff report. I picked up my car after work. The time may arrive someday when I say I have had enough on the repairs, but I am not there just yet.
    Also at the comedy club, Dictionary did one about basketball socks and shorts, now it's pants. Mason City did ones about seeing a therapist, I am a comic. Others were about a passive dependent, Smash Mouth, turn 30, you are awesome button, keyboards- someday love will find you, and a Wisconsin Dells slide. It was followed by sex like Bohemian Rhapsody, John Lennon tooth, Jurassic Park, Johnny Cash bio, and a rainbow dream. Brew did ones about laundry day, went to Target, order pizza, accept defeat, roll dice, consider adoption, I'm nice tip me, drama last a year, and 2am wrong house. Tortoise did ones about pups change light bulb, it's me I love chips, actor the Rock, 9 by myself, did you feel that?, and shook hands across bed. Bus fare did ones about eggs in basket, mood altering sun lamps, knife to gun fight, bring me ice cream, every Radio Shack is haunted, and Air Bud. A newer comic who looks like Turtle Check was wild card winner, and did ones about Grandma called me a hipster, and Twin Peaks on VHS. Big Dog did ones about swear at foreigners, erotic novel, and gas stations and sex. Bronze did ones about the keyboard, performing at a nursing home, and did a riff of 'Clocks' by Coldplay. The crow did ones about business as usual despite it being 4/20, where can you buy weed?, Nazis liked meth, a gun factory, and better for cats. Brawler did ones about you look so normal, heroin is cheaper, shooting gallery, crack house, I don't care rough day, junkie now a hipster, so does my cousin no one cares, comparing Batman to Captain America, trickle down, and Sam Jackson. Blind Side did ones about Bemidji and Saginaw, a weathergirl, catcalling, how much I am worth, and shock and awe. Chameleon did ones about a warning that she was going to spread hate, and was brought on by 'no sleep till Brooklyn' by Beastie Boys. I say 'no sleep till Schaumburg' as I often heard it when driving back from baseball games in Milwaukee when I lived in suburban Chicago. She performed a song about an 'open marriage', and said it was a 5-month fetus. Another was about 'where is my gay-dar?' I got the 'how right I was' feeling during this set. I have had it before a few other times in my life, sometimes called a 'self-validating' moment. Basically, a show like this one reminds me of how right I was to start doing stand-up comedy. I do it for me and no one else, and have gained so much from it. Another time I got this feeling was at a New Year's Eve party after I had left my native Iowa for suburban Chicago. It was a statement that it is my life, and I will do what is right for me.
    There were some other comics tonight. New Ulm mayor did ones about bought a vaporizer, not how addiction works, DARE class, and this is public school. Sub teacher did ones about a South Dakota gig, the MOA threat, domestic terrorists and strippers, don't use that match, his dad, a summer home in Connecticut, a cucumber, Inconvenient Truth on DVD, Comcast call, ruined Mozart, Highway to Hell, his lady liked none of it, and wine and time travel.        

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