Friday, August 14, 2015

Ajax Limited Edition Soap

    I went to the Family Dollar store after work as I needed some dish soap. There weren't very many choices for the Ajax brand, and I got some limited edition spring citrus blast soap. So it looks red, as opposed to what I normally get, which is lemon. I saw somebody on the bus home for the first time in a while, she said we had spoken about my search for Charlie Brown statues previously.
   I went to the comedy club tonight, saw Stillwater after the show ended. I didn't want to stay long after the show as I have plans to be out of town for part of the weekend.
   At work it was nice to get an online class done, I like to finish these in as little time as possible. I don't know how many of these classes directly pertain to my actual role, but it is still a finance company and this one was about fraud. I found two misfiled documents for different accounts- a contract for one and a title for the other. So I got the contract perfected and the title sent to document release as it was on a payoff report before but reported as not found.
   Also at the comedy club, Postage stamp did ones about pride parade, don't be a hater, a fake million dollar bill, not my problem, HIV scare, and a loaded gun. Ex-cop did ones about 7 typos, Lakeville 3am, DUIs, and a Walmart cart. Long straw did ones about power wash Buick, Grandma and compliments, Journey song, and Cubs urn. Ragu did ones about drink on bus, red shirt at Target, temple of doom, and tongue twister. Tortoise did ones about Grand Theft Auto, Matrix movie, Dad a congressman, parks and rec, Calvin and Hobbes, house of cards, and Robin Williams as Santa. Oklahoma did ones about don't have a car, the best it will be, hot and windy, your only friend, and smart car wreck. Note page did ones about Greek god, cat lady, hobo and suit, magic mushrooms, e-cigarettes, and car battery. Sub teacher did ones about bumper stickers, Jeb Bush, Catholic wedding, Simon Sez, Comcast, and might be a dad diet. Rut-roh did ones about a cell phone, rice, drunk and munchies, weed, tacos, soul food, and music at work. Bus fare did ones about mac and cheese, toilet paper, Laundromat, Jack Kerouac, Wendy's, and Josh Hartnett. Apron did ones about a plunger, all in my head, and buckle my shoe in German. The button was wearing a charge it to the game shirt. She did ones about hold doors open, look edible, fruit salad, being reliable, and jean shopping. Woody did ones about having 2 kids, drive used cop cars, discipline, tool of prayer, and maintenance. Mr. Pibb did ones about settlers of Kataan, confident rappers, Hank Williams, Civil War battle hymns, jump the shark, Pokémon, and open mouth cough. Extra murder did ones about Gangster's Paradise, apocalypse now, I can drive, appendix, Heath Ledger, let them support me, man cave, race car bed, and taxi driver. Soap opera did ones about ex-therapists, mom called him bt dad's name, blueberry condoms, and pride parade. Ice cream scoop did ones about Clue game, tats, and Ray Romano.        

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