Monday, August 10, 2015

Pop Tarts Gone Nutty

     I picked up two more discount table items at the grocery store last night. I just tried one of them this evening, Pop Tarts gone nutty. The box says it is made with real peanut butter, and it is frosted PB and J strawberry. I don't have Kellogg's Pop Tarts that often, at times before I bought them out of the vending machine at the office. Naturally some things end up at the discount table as they have just passed the expiration date, for this box it was a month ago. It tasted fine, and I could no doubt taste the peanut butter on the two pastries I ate. There are 6 pastries per box. I don't toast them, I just eat them straight out of the foil cover. There are some cartoons on the back of the box, one of them speaks of the toaster games, may the tarts be ever in your flavor.
    I didn't go home right after work, as I stayed downtown and watched the St. Paul Saints baseball game. It was a giveaway night, a team card set and I did get them. It is my third Saints card set. The
Saints won, 7-1 over Winnipeg. Near the end of the game it was announced that the team had broken the attendance record at over a quarter million for the season, and there is a month left in the season. They are number one in the league in attendance by far, largely due to the new stadium. Near the end at Midway Stadium, the Saints had dropped to third behind Winnipeg and Kansas city, now it is not even close. I got my hair cut, first time at the stadium. It was a little problematic as it was windy, I held the cape down. I was to the right of the batting background. It was finished during the first inning, and the barber did well. Some passed by and noticed, but not sure how many got a haircut after seeing mine. One said I looked familiar, I said I do stand-up comedy, and this is why I had looked familiar. Also saw an office colleague there who didn't know I liked Saints games. But she is in another department and we don't talk much at the office.
   When I got home I noticed the Drano I bought in the morning before going to work did work on the drain in the bathtub. I noticed there was water still in the tub last night when I got back from New York, so it was just sitting there for days when I was out of town. But I liked how the Drano seemed to be a fairly simple solution. I got out a sponge and some Tilex as there was a ring in the tub from all of the residue. Needless to say, I decided against showering this morning. 

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