Sunday, August 7, 2016

AMC car show

I went to 3 shows today at the fringe festival. after the first one, about 'Charlie brown and snoopy' creator Charles schulz, I was driving past a gas station that had a rooftop concert. there was an AMC car show there, so I parked nearby and got a look around. there was mention of the company origins going back to the 1800s, about rambler bicycles, made in Chicago. it does remind me of how the athletic teams at Loyola university in Chicago are called 'ramblers', but I still wonder if there is a connection at all. American motors lasted from 1954-1987, and was 'the last of the independents'.
  and yes, I was beaming while watching the play about Charles schulz. I didn't learn all that much as I was already well-read about him, but it was great to see such a good impersonation. he even drew the characters well! I probably should have been wearing my Charlie brown 'trucker hat'. second play I saw was 'most dangerous game', whopper was in it. I had read the story in high school. this play version of it was funny. I liked the venue as well, southern theater, great backdrop, well-worn bricks. third one was a love story called 'the invention of baseball', but it wasn't all that much about baseball. still a weird but compelling love story. the promo card was misleading as it had a parody of the album cover from 'born in the USA' by bruce springsteen, but bruce isn't mentioned at all, let alone any of his music though there were plenty of songs in it. it was nice to go home after the second show for a little while and rest, as well as do the dishes. I tried watching 'the simpsons', about lisa wanting to go to mars, but I fell asleep before it ended. I called and left a message with my ex about the Charles schulz play, as we were both big fans of Charlie brown. now I have seen 6 shows at fringe, and have reviewed each one I have seen. reviews on the show I am in are mixed, after one performance. though one reviewer did say the stand-up sets were good.

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