Monday, August 15, 2016

dreams, fleetwood mac

I liked performing at an open-mic tonight, my set was close to what I performed at fringe festival. but I was also impressed with a music act that played 'dreams' by Fleetwood mac, and then 'say it ain't so' by weezer. I got the 'how right I was' feeling when these songs were played, or I sometimes call it a 'self-validating moment'. this is a powerful feeling, I try to recall when I get it as often as I can.
   it was a long day at the office, took a while to complete the payoff report. in spite of this I still got to the new titles and perfected them. there was a dust-up about a letter request, wanting me to give it priority, but I didn't as a colleague who works them said her boss needed to do this 'special' letter to see it is done properly. I saw that more people were copied on the email thread instead of just in the 'cc' (or carbon copy) section. it is another piece of evidence on how I like being thorough, and only doing what I am allowed to do and qualified to do.

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