Tuesday, July 9, 2019

inundated? maybe

I started off with an email this morning saying 'you are probably getting inundated with emails'. I said 'maybe', but at the same time I have to keep looking for work until there is an offer. so not a big deal to me. there was plenty of activity. first was a phone interview, then an in-person interview. in the afternoon was an in-person interview, with an agency. and throughout the day there was various calls that I fielded. even one that was a text message, received when I was riding the light rail to an appointment. so I responded by phone after the appointment. then when I was riding the light rail home I decided to get off the train to field a call as I couldn't hear them that well. it just meant a slight delay on getting home, taking a later train. a joke was made that 'didn't land' with me, about how I was willing to move from Illinois to Minnesota for work but not Minnesota to florida. another interview was scheduled, for Thursday, in relation to the phone interview this morning. the meeting with an agency I confirmed wasn't the first one. I was looking through business cards in my organizer while waiting for a rep and had one for another rep at that agency, was informed they still work there. it also meant sending an updated copy of my resume to a few places. I like how there are plenty of possibles on the table, but no offers yet. so it still reminds me of the Richard marx song, how it don't mean nothing until you sign on the dotted line.
  in the evening I was tired so I laid down for a little while. I watched some of the all-star game but not much. the AL was leading 1-0 in the 4th when I left to go perform. found out the AL went on to win the game. I was in somebody's camera phone photo, and they told me about a place I can go to that is helpful for artists. he likes my storytelling, and when he was telling me about it this led to me finding out his real name. I know many go by stage names, no big deal if that is all I know for a while. so it is nice that I am being noticed, I said I am not always aware of who is paying attention.

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