Friday, July 12, 2019

trust the process

this evening I went to sing at a karaoke bar. after I was done I looked at the bulletin board, as I normally do, and saw paper hearts with various sayings on them. I claimed the one saying 'trust the process'. is this how I should feel about looking for work? I am not sure what else to do at this point. I looked on the back and it said 'pass me on', and gave a phone number for a tarot card reader. I saw one of them, a fortune teller, at the renaissance festival, but I don't recall what year it was. aside from how it wasn't last year, as I did not attend then. the song I did was 'born to die' by lana del rey. a young couple said they liked hearing it after I was done. I said there was another one of lana's songs I like even more, the cedric Gervais remix of 'summertime sadness'. they said I should sing another one, but I informed them it was late and that would be it for me as the karaoke jockey had already rounded up the song books. I usually just get one song in when I tend to arrive after the late news is done. I heard somebody do 'uninvited' by alanis Morrissette right after me and then I left.
   it is hard to say as to what progress, if any, was made today on the job front. I got called for an interview in the afternoon, it will be next week. they said they might beat their colleague to me, it was the same company but a different role that I was called for on Tuesday when I was still on the light rail. I said it was an even chance as their colleague hasn't called me since. I called an agency to confirm that the signed forms were received, but was informed that they were going into a meeting and that I would be called after it but I wasn't. after filing numerous applications this morning, I decided to go do some errand running and stopped first at a gas station for the paper. then it was on to Walgreen where I got donuts and juice for Saturday morning. I saw the photo guy I knew, I gave an update about job searching. He said they often cut hours in his department during the summer when it is slower. so he has admitted to considering looking for another role.
  I also had to think about how, sadly, what a friend once said about me being naïve was proven true today. I said right away that I wasn't. I was on the phone a lot in the afternoon and evening because of it, correcting it. and that is all I got to say about that.


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