Saturday, October 16, 2010

Facebook Wedding

The Facebook wedding was today. I thought I was late as it was at a Minneapolis lake bandshell and I am unfamiliar with the town. Parked a little ways away and had to walk around the lake a little. But when I got there it hadn't started yet and the program had it starting 15 minutes later than the Facebook invitation. So I felt good about being early instead of late, once I caught my breath from the brisk walk.
  It was offbeat in many ways, but I liked how it wasn't the typical wedding. Everything about it worked! Shorter than most ceremonies I've been to, just under 30 minutes. (Once went to one that lasted just 7 minutes, was told later on how the groom wanted it that way, short attention span.) It was what I should have expected from a comedian wedding, as there was plenty of jokes and plenty of laughing. The officiant started off with saying 'we are here to celebrate this thing called life'. A quote by Prince, the musician, if I'm not mistaken. Later on it meant reading from Dr. Seuss.
   The food was very good, liked seeing cheese and crackers there. I ate 2 cupcakes, this worked for me as well as there was no need to cut a cake. Thankfully the weather held up, it was quite warm. I even took part in the jam session that was after the ceremony, bringing a harmonica. I got the reaction I normally get when I ask if they know any Lady Gaga music, they usually don't know it or don't like it. Then I said it was more likely they knew some Johnny Cash, and the 2 guitar players played '13'. A photographer got a picture while I was playing with them, and I said 'hopefully you got my good side'. Probably looked a little comical to see somebody in a suit playing a harmonica.
    After getting back from the wedding I went to a comedy show in the evening, there is a haunted house in this comedy club as well. I took off the suit coat before I went there, which had a button on it. I got comments from 2 people at the wedding about the button, placed near the bottom of the suit coat. It said 'Dan the Man', of course this is the family friend running for office. The best man said I Bogarted somebody's high five, and I paused, not knowing what to say. Then he noticed the button.
    Big crowd at the comedy show, one of my favorite comics was there, hence why I chose to attend. He did all of my favorite jokes. Still like the voice inflection when he imitates the trainer from the 'Rocky' movies.

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