Sunday, January 2, 2011

Larry Sanders Show DVD

I spent much of today watching a DVD on loan from the library, 'The Larry Sanders Show'. Chose it since I knew Janeane Garofalo, a favorite comic, was in it as a bit player. Liked the interviews as much as the actual episodes itself. There were interviews with Janeane, also Jeremy Piven and Sarah Silverman. But Sarah couldn't stop being loopy in the interview, I prefer subjects being more serious when being interviewed. Hard to say what was most memorable about it, maybe when the Jeffrey Tambor character, as the sidekick, did a gameshow skit and he was the host in a Hitler-type costume. Noticed how 'Family Feud' host Ray Combs was in one episode, proving it's a little dated now since Combs committed suicide over a decade ago. It was sad to hear about it, and it is whenever somebody does that.
  I did watch some of the pro football games today, though I fell asleep while watching the Bears-Packers game and nearly missed the ending. Bears were trailing 10-3 and that was the final score, due to being intercepted late. Had hoped to find Dick Enberg announcing a game, but he may have already started announcing college basketball for the season. Liked reading his book, called 'Oh My!'- also his favorite line to say while announcing. I like counting how often he will say it during a game. I recall saying 10 years ago how I watched a Ravens-Redskins game as he was announcing, since he's that good. Found out why after reading his book, he's a former college professor and profs don't butcher the English language. I think my earliest memory of his announcing games was Rose Bowls, with Merlin Olsen, on NBC. He has since moved to CBS.
    Went to the comedy club tonight, made it right before showtime so I didn't ask for stagetime. But I will have some for next week. It was fine, since I decided to write down jokes in my notebook, hadn't done that in a while. Confirmed that I was right on which comic informed me of covers to Beatles songs, he shared a link from Youtube on my Facebook page since I like getting music education. It was a weird video, the red wagon was important to the story, was paying attention to it more than the words. Need to listen to it again.

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