Saturday, January 8, 2011

While Doing Laundry

I heard about the shooting of Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords on the radio when I was on my way to do laundry this afternoon. When I first heard she was shot in the head I figured she wouldn't make it, but later on it was reported she was in critical condition. This is typical of events like these- tragedies- where the media doesn't always have the facts straight. The other problem I had with it was how I just heard she was wounded, and not that others had been killed like a federal judge. I spoke of it while doing laundry, as I said I majored in history and had looked up assassinations on Wikipedia. It may become the first assassination of a U.S. House member since 1978, during the Jonestown cult massacre.
    I woke up kind of late this morning, just before noon, but didn't mind it at all since I got in more sleep than typical. I did my best to make a 'to-do' list as I get more done that way. After doing laundry I did get some of these errands done like getting a DVD at Blockbuster, along with a copy of 'Huck Finn' at Borders. After the dust-up this week about publishing a censored edition I decided to get a copy now in case the 'original' goes away. Censorship is wrong, especially when it's a case of people just can't get past one word. I am more likely to read a book after hearing it's been banned somewhere, as it becomes forbidden fruit. It's why I liked seeing a bumper sticker a few months back, it said 'any book worth banning is worth reading'.
   I went to a comedy show tonight, saw a few people I hadn't seen in a while, one of them was performing. First time at this venue in Minneapolis, though I had driven past it before. It was attached to a restaurant operated by some immigrants from Somalia. I ordered a sandwich and it arrived just as the show was starting.
   After the show I got a look at my laundry and put most of it away. I was annoyed to find out I needed to re-wash some of it manually as something had caked on a few of my pants and shirts. I've had plenty of troubles with this laundromat I've been to, such as much of the equipment is broken. So I'm not sure if I want to continue going there. Though it is giving me inspiration for some writings to enter in a poetry contest, the deadline is in a week.  

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