Wednesday, November 30, 2011

40 Minutes at School

I did the Roosevelt advisory program earlier today, first time I was on my own. There were 15 students on the attendance list, 4 did not show up at all and 3 did after I started taking attendance. And I waited a good 4 minutes after the bell rang. I knew it would be hard to do, since I hadn't done anything like it before. It was nice to see some participation, but not much was there. It may mean deciding to 'be there' for those who are interested. It is a college prep program, I did my best to get them started by sharing my own college experiences. It will mean getting pointers from my group as to what may work more effectively when I venture out again. When one student in the class spoke of the movie 'White Men Can't Jump' I reminded
them how it was at theaters when I was in high school. Sounds like in some cases how little has changed in high school, at least the choosing a college part. One student said it still came down to the money, as it can be hard to afford. I am thankful I attended when I did, as I don't know if I could afford college now. The tuition has at least doubled since then. I knew well enough not to push them too much. One student showed up before the others, saying she was sent there for study hall and had permission to study in the back. When she found out I had majored in history she asked if I had read 'Uncle Tom's Cabin', I had read very little of it. For some reason I was reminded of how one teacher in high school had us all try our luck at being the teacher for a few minutes to see how well we could handle it. This was a science class, and this session was held in a science room so some continuity. I didn't do well then, but I didn't like many of those in the class. I tried to give a lesson about Wegener and continental drift, and when I got stuck I just spoke on John Wayne and some got confused and though I said 'John Dane' as Dane was the name of one classmate.  
    At the comedy club tonight I saw 2 big plastic barrels for food bank collections, one comedian friend had sent a Facebook message about it but I was too busy to read it closely before getting to the club tonight. One performer I had seen before, and she spoke of doing vaudeville, I was unfamiliar with what venues had vaudeville in this area.

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