Monday, September 24, 2012

Font of Random

The theater guy spoke of fonts, and I had to look it up to see if he meant something besides just the kind of typewritten letters used. 'Font of random' is still something I haven't heard of much before, and there didn't seem to be a clear definition when I searched for one online. But he is a member of Mensa so he will say things at times that can be described as obscure and offbeat. I still like how he challenges me intellectually. I guess I didn't think of looking it up in the Urban Dictionary, as there are some obscure definitions of words and terms there. It was where I found out somebody had already used the term 'Economic Darwinism' besides myself. I work with somebody, in another department, who said they were disturbed by what they found on this site. Well they are an older person and would be unwilling to accept change and new things. But I understand how life can be vulgar, so it doesn't bother me much. I prefer knowing over not knowing, and try to understand as much as possible without being judgmental.
   At the comedy club tonight I decided to finish my beer before going into the show, it had just started by then and usually I am in before the show begins. The first comic went over his time, somebody I had spoken with outside after getting signed up. He wore an Ireland shirt and said he was waiting for a friend to bring him his coat and cigarettes. Not sure if he ever got both things. I will give pointers to comics if they ask for them, but he didn't ask for any like where the time light is.
The show closer did a good joke about Plan B birth control pills, and I was pleased that she asked me to watch her bag while she was onstage. I like being entrusted with these responsibilities, even if I don't express it verbally.

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