Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Last Of The Gift Cards

I used up the last of my gift cards this evening, it was a Target card. There was $11 left on it from my previous purchase, a memory card for my video camera. Tonight I wanted to get 2 photo frames, one was larger than the other. I figured if I had so much reverence for the Emerson Hough items I own then I should prove it by framing the letter-size card of the school. I am doing the same for a postcard of buffalo, or American bison, from Yellowstone Park. I got it from a nonprofit that wanted my money, one of many things they send. One organization keeps sending me calendars. I haven't had to buy calendars for a while since I keep getting them for free. Since Emerson Hough helped protect the buffalo at Yellowstone it seems appropriate to frame it, especially after seeing some artwork at the school. The school's artwork was by Nick Klepinger, famous Newton artist, and was of buffalo. I got a picture of the artwork and posted it on my Facebook page, as well as at the school's page.
   Two other items I bought were some gift wrapping tape- the store brand- as well as some beef jerky and cheese. I wanted something like peanuts or Nutter Butter cookies or chips, and this is what I found when wandering the food aisles. I  was trying to find a single-serving bag of nuts.
    Some may know of my ambivalence to my upbringing, and my hometown of Newton, but I'm trying to remember the positive. This is what has led to me getting some postcards from E-bay, four in all are now in my photo album next to the two I already had. Well I decided to get two more from E-bay, getting one for under two dollars. It was the same one I had spotted online at the Flickr site recently, showing five Iowa landmarks. It is a big deal how a Newton landmark is included on a statewide postcard, which has the current and former state capitols. In addition, there was the Hoover Museum, one of just two National Park Service properties in the state. I didn't quite recognize what was depicted from the Amana Colonies, a church as I recall. The one from Newton was of the Maytag Bowl, where my high school graduation was held. I think most or all of these five sites are now on the National Register of Historic Places. The other postcard is of the Maytag research and development building, and a wringer washer is seen in the background of one of the smaller photos on the postcard.

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