Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Inventor Jokes

At the comedy club tonight, I liked hearing the show closer do jokes about history. He is from the Twin City area originally and is back from Los Angeles to do some shows. One of them was about inventors just being lazy. Others were about wars, and naming places 'New something'. I said I don't hear history being considered funny all too often aside from 'Night at the Museum' or 'Bill and Ted' so it's refreshing to me. The show runner told me of somebody being escorted out due to mental illness, said they have been banned from multiple clubs. Though I was not immediately aware of this since there was no disruption during the show. But I know he is going to be 'in the know' more than most others will be.
    I was doing some comparison on postcards online, looks like E-bay does rank fairly well in terms of those available. It's just not the only one out there. I am also finding places like Card Cow, U.S. postcards, and Delcampe. Unsure how they compare in terms of price, though Card Cow seemed to be high. So it looks like I am looking in the right place by primarily looking at E-bay. I haven't ordered anywhere else yet, but may do so for those I can't find there that still interest me. It's best to pace myself on how many I order at a time, like two a week. Then it's easier to pay off the Bill Me Later account in full each month. I am familiar with how it can ebb and flow as to how often I order from this site. With postcards I had to look at purchase history, which does go back to 2010 even if the pictures of the items bought aren't there after a while, like 60 days. I wanted to pay off the bobbleheads before ordering much else, since those items cost more than some things I've bought. It helps that I was given a 6 months, no interest deal.  

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