Saturday, June 27, 2015

Circus Museum, Cousin's Wedding

   I started the day in Madison and after continental breakfast I made my way to Baraboo and saw the Circus Museum. I learned something there, as I usually do at museums. There were many Ringling brothers in the circus business, more than five! I knew I couldn't stay for long. I left around 12noon so I was there for under two hours, but did get a smashed penny souvenir, as well as a magnet and some postcards. After heading to Walgreen for some razors and an ice cream sandwich, it was on the road to my cousin's wedding in Evansville, WI. I made it with just under 20 minutes to spare. I got changed in the bathroom, where I identified myself as 'The cousin from Minnesota'. I didn't have much time to talk, didn't feel like saying much else. My cousin happened to be the groom. The bride was funny in the ceremony, which lasted about 40 minutes. I checked into my hotel in Janesville after it, knowing the reception would be about 2 hours later. I fielded questions about where I was staying, but didn't say where as I wanted to be left alone when I am at the hotel. I arrived at the reception site, not at the Lutheran church but at a tavern, just as things were starting at 5pm. I happened to be one of the 'Single people prize winners', so according to legend this means I am the next one to get married. I liked visiting with so many people there, one was the wife of another cousin, who said we hadn't met yet. I was flattered when she spoke so well of me, based on what she was told, saying I was smart. The oldest cousin, out of three, was interested in how I do stand-up comedy. I am still not sure who all in the family knows about it. I did get out there to dance a little, at one point at the behest of the bride. I did when I found something I wanted to dance to, it was line dancing. Then later on when 'Bust a move' by Young MC was playing, as I am wearing an 'Up in the Air' movie hat. The song was in the movie, and the movie depicts a wedding in Wisconsin, where I am at. Earlier I did participate in the dollar dance, and I told the bride I was having a good time at the event. I said I would notify if being a 'Prize winner' yields anything, but my dating life has been nonexistent lately. The low point was during the dollar dance, told myself I can't dance to 'The dance' by Garth Brooks. It makes me think of Bill Young. He made me laugh, but thinking of my departed friend from the comedy circuit still makes me sad. So I waited and danced to a different song. I liked how my mom's cousin from California was there, somebody I had met during a visit to Anaheim in 1994. She brought family pictures, mostly people I barely knew or didn't know at all. I took pictures on my own camera of some of them, including one of my grandma's brother in his military uniform, who died in World War Two. Others were one family picture that includes a great aunt who does some paintings, finally got one after my grandma passed in 2008, a dinner plate. Most of my family has at least one of her paintings. I liked how I went into this event with the right mindset- try to have a good time- and I did.

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