Monday, June 1, 2015

Award Nominations

     I get to the comedy club tonight and it was news to me about being nominated for some awards. I understand the two are for my laugh and the blog. I am not sure about the ring of honor song done being done by Stillwater and laundry. Maryland spoke to two women tonight, notable was how one of them had tattoos on both thighs.
    Also at the comedy club, there was one comic I hadn't seen in a wile. He did ones about being African, and a nurse. Postage stamp did ones about turning 30, we published it, Buddha, crusty spaghetti, that's a lady, and who's on first. Olive Garden did this one along with comics have pain, lick the table, and bubble wrap. Louisiana did ones about best buy rewards, bullet point, being arrested, booking, therapist, and multiple lives. Radio Personality did ones about get a puppet, apple orchard, house guests, sunflower seeds, cargo pants, and a crazy mom. Sub Teacher did ones about boundaries, baby cougar, VBS, rapture, air hockey, and demon metal cage. Maryland did ones about tragic flaw, loyalty, apartment fire, friends on Netflix, high horse, ho's, and femi-ninjas. Tetris did ones about City Pages, Windows 95, anxiety, zoos, penguin, free pizza, and cursed belt. Fever Comic did ones about puke on plane, cults, legal need, and Las Vegas strip clubs. School Bouncer did ones about confidence wall, hip hop tattoo, Bruce Jenner, and wells in Africa. Extra Murder did ones about a food truck fest, donut burger, two bears, subway, and debt collector. Bathtub did ones about a recurring dream, San Andreas movie, barrel of monkeys, stolen baby, meal upgrade, Domino's, marinara, and a squirrel water skiing.
    It was a typical Monday at work. One email was from a colleague whose last day was on Friday, when I was out of the office. She would like to see me perform comedy sometime.

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